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How to use the video plugin

This plugin is your video player on OMA. You can use it to insert videos from different sources (including YouTube) or for uploading one yourself, provided there is a Creative Commons licence attached to it.

The player will look like this:

--:-- / --:--

"Kennst du schon die OMA?" | Trailer for the platform openmusic.academy


How it works: quick help

This is what the plugin looks like in edit mode:

This is what you can enter / choose:

URL: This is where the address of your video goes. Go on Select to pick a file from the OMA media centre or to upload one yourself, or copy and paste the URL of another website's video into the input.

Playback range: Per default, the video will be played from beginning to end. If you want only a certain part, you have the option to choose the start and end time of the playback.

Aspect ratio: Define the format your video will look best in (16:9 or 4:3).

Preview image URL: Optionally you can choose an image that will be shown before the video is started.

Copyright: It is important to make note of the author(s) and/or the source of the file here.

Width: Define the width of the video player in relation to the width of the whole display.

Initial volume: If the audio seems generally to loud, you can tone it down here.

Want to subdivide or comment on your audio piece?

Then check out the plugins Media analysis and Interactive media.

How it works in detail

If you have the URL of the video already at hand, you can paste it directly to the URL input field. For YouTube videos, copy the URL from the address bar of your browser or click share and copy link below the video. The video URL will automatically be shown in the copyright field.

For example, the following link and information...

... will turn into the following player:

--:-- / --:--

Demystifying Conducting: The Connection Between Gesture and Music | The New York Times | Quelle: Youtube

Pick a file from OMA media centre or Wikimedia (URL)

Click on Select (next to the URL input).

A dialogue will open. At the top, you'll find the tabs Media centre (this is OMA's storage) and Wikimedia. In both, you can search by typing in tags, and you'll have the option to narrow it down to audio files.

Upload a file to a public document (URL)

In order to upload a file, click the Select button next to the URL input field.

If you're uploading a file while working on a public document, your file will automatically go to the public media center. Please only add files that have a creative commons licence or that you can attach such a licence to yourself.

In the uploading process, the following information will be asked from you:

  • Short description (optional): Indicate what the file contains.
  • Languages (optional): It may be useful to specify what languages are used if, for example, there is audio description.
  • Licences: Specify the licence of the file. (CC0 is equal to the Public Domain. The licence for OMA documents is CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike.)
  • Tags: Insert keywords that will allow users to find the file.

Upload a file to a private room (URL)

When creating a document in a room, you can pick files from the media center or from other websites just as in public documents. Additionally, you can upload files to a room that only room members will be able to see. When you click Select in your plugin, you'll find a third tab for Room media. This is where your files will be stored.

Once you want to publish documents that were private so far (= duplicate in the public area), you'll have to upload these files once more. This may seem cumbersome but will protect you from accidentally publishing material that is protected by copyright.

Determine the playback range

Should only part of an audio track be relevant in your document, or should you want to cut the applaus at the beginning of a concert, you can determine when exactly the playback starts and ends.
It looks like this:

Pick a position on your timeline

  • via playing the track and hitting pause at right time
  • or by clicking directly onto the timeline.

You can define this position as Start time or as End time. For fine tuning, use the minus and plus buttons to move the position by 100 or 500 milliseconds.

Use this input field to provide metadata such as author, image title, source and licence.
To the bottom right you'll find the M↓ symbol that opens a quick help on formatting your text with Markdown.